Who Was Responsible For Julius Caesar's Downfall

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Julius Caesar is the title character of this play, like Antigone, in which he is not present throughout the whole play, yet plays an important role in the outcome of this play. As the spirit of Julius Caesar never dies, leads to the downfall of his assassins, the death of Julius Caesar is avenged and he never truly falls from power, Julius Caesar is the title character of the play. The spirit of Julius Caesar never dies, and his material death is avenged. After Octavius has returned to Rome, he has found out that Julius Caesar has been murdered. Alongside Antony, Octavius desires to reinstate the power of the supporters of Caesar in Rome. However, as Caesar’s body has been murdered, he has been replaced in power by his opponents such as Brutus and Cassius. Since Octavius and Antony are angered by the murder of their close friend, they desire to battle Brutus and Cassius. As they have murdered Caesar, Octavius and Antony and unwilling …show more content…

After the assassins of Caesar such as Brutus and Cassius have gained power, they face opposition from the supporters of Caesar such as Mark Anthony and Octavius. As Mark Antony and Octavius have ensued a battle against Brutus and Cassius, the Romans have split themselves up over the death of Caesar. While Cassius and Titinius have died, the death of Caesar has heralded the death of the opponents of Caesar. Realizing this ,Brutus calls to the spirit of Julius Caesar, “O, Julius Caesar, thou art mighty yet,- Thy spirit walks abroad and turns our swords-In our proper entrails.”5:3:94-96 With the might of Caesar’s spirit turning the swords of his opponents to kill themselves, the spirit of Caesar has killed the assassinators. As the assassins are dying, the spirit and might of Julius Caesar have killed off those that have killed him. Thus, the spirit and might of Julius Caesar have led to the downfall of his own assassins through their own untimely