Julius Caesar Beware The Ides Of March

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Julius Caesar has returned from successful campaigns in Gaul(France)and Hispania(Spain)and has also deposed his most powerful ruler Gnaius Pompey. He has also secured Egypt thereby ensuring a constant grain supply for Rome and is now the most powerful man in the city. Jealous of his success, a group of powerful conspirators led by Cassius, Casca and Metellius Cimber plan to assassinate Caesar before he secures his power fully. To do this they win over Marcus Brutus, Caesar's close friend and ally by convincing him that it is in the best interests of the Roman Republic that it remains a Republic; with the power in the hands of the citizens and thus the senators; rather than an Empire with all the power in Caesars hands. Being an idealist who idolizes the Republic, Brutus is swayed and accedes to aid them in their plot and agrees to assassinate Caesar in the Senate building, where traditionally the entrants are required to doff all armour and remove weaponry. …show more content…

As Caesar enters the Senate, the conspirators fall upon and assassinate him by means of daggers concealed in their garments, Caesar dies after mortal blows to his body and upon perceiving the treachery of Brutus whom he considered among his closest friends. Next, Marcus Brutus speaks to the clamouring citizens who demand to know of the cause of death of their beloved

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