
Who Was Responsible For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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Firstly, Romeo was aware that the party he attended was hosted by the Capulet family. Knowing of the families’ feud, he still entered the party uninvited. There he met his new love interest, Juliet. Romeo was determined that she was the love of his life. He later found out that she was a Capulet. However, he continued to try and make her his bride. He carelessly snuck into the Capulet garden to hide under Juliet’s balcony and saw her there. Romeo was surely aware of the danger he was placing them both in. Once Juliet knew of his presence, they confessed their love and impulsively agreed to marry, barely knowing who each other was. Juliet advised Romeo to hurry before he was caught, explaining that the guards would kill him if he was discovered. There is no denying that the two understood how dangerous their marriage would be.

Furthermore, the two lovers were foolish. They never thoroughly …show more content…

By the end of this story, six people were lost. Romeo should have never entered the party of his family’s rival. Fate was sealed the moment he made this decision. Tybalt would have never sworn revenge if Romeo had simply stayed away. With this, Mercutio took the fall of Tybalt and Romeo’s feud. Overburdened with rage, Tybalt was slain by Romeo in revenge. Similarly, the night that Juliet had “died,” Paris had come to see his late bride. Once Paris met Romeo there, he confronted and further threatened Romeo. The provoked Romeo killed Paris in defense, leaving another fatality. However, Romeo was there for his own demise alone. Believing Juliet was dead, he killed himself next to his sleeping lover. Of course, Juliet was never truly dead. As she woke up moments later, she discovered her dead husband laid on the floor. Juliet was unbearingly overcome with grief. She decided her only choice was to die with him. As a result, she stabbed herself and took her last breath beside her deceased

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