
Whole Foods Swot Analysis

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Whole Foods Market is a retail grocery industry that has stores all over the United States and expanding across the globe. Their focus is on a natural, organic, health foods and products. Whole Foods has different strategies that make them stand out from there competition. That strategy that chiefs all elements is their product line and how they display them. This strategy helps their competitive advantage to other name brand grocery stores.
Whole food displays their values that they offer in their products, as well in their slogan “Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet.” Their product strategy helps emphasis this by how they carry a variety of products that are all or somewhat natural and organic. Whole Food also shows how they continue …show more content…

Strengths, they have is they offer a wide range of inventory that like for example fresh produce, meat, and poultry, fresh seafood, bakery goods, prepared foods, specialty foods, frozen goods, dried foods, drinks, household products, etc. This product line fits their all natural and organic standards. Also, they have in place a quality standard, any product they sell must live up to the strict measures they have in place for the customers. As well since each store is assorted sizes, they make sure that they are stocking them with the right products and the right amount of inventory. An average size store can hold an average of 21,000 product, enough to have a wide range of items. Opportunity as they emphasize the freshness of their products, it helps them reach more of broader audience like clean natural eaters, "foodies," health-conscious families, fitness activists, and many more. There weakness and threats are the same in a way, one being that many retail grocery stores are starting to follow them in their path. Since there are more around, their location and prices could be a factor if consumers shop there or somewhere closer and cheaper to

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