Wholefoods Market: Saferway

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In 1978, a small natural foods market called SaferWay was founded in Austin, Texas to sell natural foods that was a new format of supermarket business in US. John Mackey and Renee Lawson (Hardy) are the founders of Saferway market, which was specialized in selling natural food. In 1980, the notion of establishing Saferway market improved, resulted to open what is called Wholefoods market. The original Wholefoods market unveiled in 1980 with less than 19 employees (website). At this period of time, there was a few supermarkets in US adopted the notion of selling natural foods. From 1984 onwards, Wholefoods Company started to became stronger that leads to huge expansion in all over USA. Nowadays, Wholefoods became a trademark cannot be underestimated. Wholefoods now own more …show more content…

As the department indicates that consumers were overcharged of $2.50 for each vegetable platters that priced at $20. However, John Hempfling who is the chief for Wholefoods claimed that the New York department misunderstands in how we sell this packed products. According to John Hempfling vegetable platters were priced as a unit that it stands to reason that each unit has different price. John Hempfling for Wholefoods indicated that the company is in a full swing to solve this issue by auditing and supervision on their training program. To confirm, Wholefoods Market co-CEO Walter Robb stated that the company is making it efforts to contain overcharging issue and look forward to not letting this happen again. Due to the efforts making by Wholefoods to establish new locations in order to increase their sales, sales increase by 2.6 % in the first 10 weeks of opining these locations. However, after the overcharging scandal became publically known, the seals surprisingly decreased to

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