Why Are Minerals Important To Children

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are of preponderant importance to children during their growing years. D. Minerals: A mineral is an inorganic element which occurs in the form of its salt for example phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, iodine, sulpher, molybdenum, Magnesium, chlorine, manganese etc. Minerals not only help in the growth of human body but also in its repair. They also control the chemical reactions that take place in the human body and give the human blood its correct composition and assists in the proper formation of teeth and bones. For the sake of good health and these minerals are highly essential. To put some examples calcium and phosphorus are important for the proper formation of teeth and bones while iron helps for the formation of red pigment in the blood. Similarly, Iodine is of immense value for normal functioning of the thyroid gland and sodium is needed for transmission messages in the nervous system and also …show more content…

Vitamins happened to be the vital body regulators. They happened to be a group of potent organic compounds which are not proteins, carbohydrates or fats in nature however there are present in food under highly imperative in very small quantities for specific functions of the body like growth, reproduction and maintenance. Vitamins are known by the letters A, B, C, D, E and K. Each vitamin A occurs in a particular kind of food and has a specific function to do. Absence of any of these vital means in our diet leads to its deficiency and causes illness ultimately. For example, the deficiency of vitamin A will lead to night blindness and infections, the lack of vitamin B1 causes beri-beri and nervous disorders, the absence of vitamin B2 causes poor growth, mouth sores and dry skin, the absence of vitamin B6 causes anaemia, the absence of vitamin C causes scurvy, the lack of vitamin D causes Ricketts in

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