
Why Boys Become Vicious Analysis

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Constantly facing the darkness of looming greed and lust, humanity seems to be doomed to trudge in the mires of sin forever. However, while fear and chaos—especially a lack of guidance—can cause cruelty to flourish, it is also where kindness makes its greatest display. In “Why Boys Become Vicious”, William Golding argues that mayhem and terror brings out the evil nature of humans. Without proper order and parental guidance, humans are lead astray and band together only to create more chaos and cruelty. Even so, humans can come together to show kindness and love. Even seemingly barbaric gangs search for order in society and provide security and comfort for the impoverished. People are naturally inclined to help others and act socially, especially …show more content…

It is obvious, as Golding argues, that “if there is no one around to guide children, then they go wrong” (Golding). After all, “the positive effects of kindness are experienced in the brain of everyone who witnessed the act, improving their mood and making them significantly more likely to ‘pay it forward’ ” (“Science of Kindness”). Existing in an environment where only viciousness lives perpetuates more immorality. However, these environments of perfect evil and abandonment rarely exist; even gangs are a good substitute for caretakers, despite the preconception that gangs are malicious. If one lacks a loving parent, it is better to socialize in a gang and learn to follow rules than to resort to crime or suicide alone. Clearly, even orphans can act selflessly and comfort others as long as they have had a caretaker or witnessed humanity’s acts of love. From their community, children learn to group together to take comfort in times of fear, which often leads to groups providing supplies and kindness after disasters. While a complete lack of parental guidance can lead to barbarism, it is rare. Even people with limited amounts of guidance can find the path to kindness and help others as they learn from

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