Why Canada Is Important To You Essay

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As Canadians we take so many things for granted; we live in a country that offers us so many opportunities that many people in other countries do not have. We live in a free, peaceful country filled with friendly people of all different nationalities. All around us we are so blessed to be surrounded by so much natural beauty, from beautiful rivers to vast mountains and oceans. Canada along with its citizens has so many great attributes that make it an amazing and beautiful country to live in.

Body Paragraph I:
Opening Sentence: Canada is a free and peaceful country where no matter the place you go you will be greeted by friendly people who always have a smile on their face.
Detail I: Canada is a country that is known for saying sorry too much, we love to apologize for things even when it is not our fault.
Detail II: We …show more content…

Body Paragraph II:
Opening Sentence: Everywhere you go within Canada multiculturalism is very apparent and celebrated.
Detail I: No matter the city or town you go within Canada you will always see a mix of other cultures, with cities like Toronto and Vancouver having large members of different ethnic groups.
Detail II: We like to celebrate culture within Canada, and we have no problem celebrating other cultures as well within our festivals and monuments. Canada has the third largest China town in North America and there are China towns in many cities across Canada which is a great celebration of culture.
Detail III: Our country has no problem welcoming other cultures into our country with open arms. Our doors are never closed to refugees and we do as much as we can to help people in terrible situations.
Closing/Transition Sentence: As Canadians multiculturalism is such a large part of our society and we celebrate this, it is a great achievement and we welcome as many people as we