Why Curiosity Is Dangerous

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Does the curiosity really kill the cat? Tips on how to overcome a curiosity block At first sight, reading the headline of the Forbes article "Curiosity At Work: Driver Or Danger?” was a big shock. How could someone even think that curiosity is danger? It is true that, still, so many people get fired for trying new approaches. Also, it isn’t uncommon that so many co-workers tend to fear having someone else shining with their brilliant ideas. But how could one even survive without being curious? For my surprise, as I scrolled down the article, the writers David Sturt and Tord Nordstrom almost didn’t touch the “danger” side of the equation. In their own words: "Ambition is a desire for success. The prescription for ambition is “work harder.” Curiosity, often mistakenly viewed as dangerous practice of aimless exploration …show more content…

Look around you and search for patterns. Question what is familiar and what is not. Question everything. What catches your attention? What doesn’t? Why? 3. Pay attention to your thoughts and always ask why If you think “this person is interesting” then dig a bit deeper to understand why. 4. Take notes Act like an explorer and take notes about everything you noticed. Even if you don’t check them later, it will stop the anxiety of not remembering everything and help your brain focus on more discoveries. 5. Obsess about little things Is there a new movie poster, music style, book cover, piece of art that intrigues you for no reason? Go deeper: no reason is always a good reason. Watch the movie, read about it, watch other movies from the same director or with the same actor. Was it sad? Watch a happy one. Buy the album, listen to everything ever released by this musician. Is this musician part of a music movement? Who else is part of it? Make a map that explains what is intriguing about it. You will tend to love everything you dedicate some time exploring, I swear. 6. Do it again and again but