
Why Did Douglass View Crane Differently With Forester

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Douglas views Crane differently from Forester because despite them having equally bad sales performances, they have different underlying qualities. Crane has put forth more of an effort than Forester. Crane participated in training after her first bad job performance evaluation. She has been trying really hard, even though she was unable to get anywhere. Forester on the other hand seemed like she cared little about her evaluation. She also wouldn’t take responsibility and was blaming everyone else for her not meeting her sales. If Forester had showed effort and taken responsibility and participated the training like Crane they would be almost equal. Another factor that contributes is how disliked Forester is by her coworkers. None of the other employees wanted anything to do with her. Crane had an enjoyable demeanor, which leads me to believe her fellow workers liked her. …show more content…

Peer assessment is often used when evaluating an employee and most studies have shown it to be reliable. Even though they didn’t actually conduct an official assessment, I can still see how her coworkers view her. Based off how Foresters coworkers act towards her and how they don’t even want her to cover for them tells me they dislike her very much. Most people when needing someone to cover are pretty desperate on finding someone and if they don’t even want her, something has to be wrong. I do not believe there are many if any Halo errors involved either. Even though Douglas does likes Crane more, it is for valid reasons. Since Forester hasn’t tried and put forth effort like Crane to improve her skills, I do not think Douglas is seeing her with

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