Why Did George Kill His Friend Who Was A Mentally Minded Guy?

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A BIG KIDDISH BRAIN-LIKE GUY WHO FORGETS ALMOST EVERY TIME Why did George kill his friend, who was a mentally minded guy? In the book, “Of Mice and Men” the author shows the fair and appropriate charge for George Milton in the death of Lennie Small is manslaughter because George killed Lennie on purpose but without malice. To start, without malice, George reminds Lennie–like a parent–what he is not supposed to be doing and what he should be doing because of Lennie's forgetful mind. George tells Lennie not to drink too much of the river water because he doesn’t know if the river water would be clean enough to drink from. According to the text, the small man–George Milton– shook his friend vigorously, saying, “Lennie. You gonna be sick like …show more content…

George tells Lennie not to drink too much of the river water because Lennie forgets that it is not edible water. Furthermore, George is almost always with Lennie, because it is practically every time Lennie gets into trouble. George finds Lennie in Crooks's room and tells Lennie that he is not supposed to be in Crooks's room, because Crooks usually doesn’t like other people in his room. The author wrote, “What you doin’ in Crooks’ room? You oughtta be here”(Steinbeck 82). George reminds Lennie that he should not be in Crook's room because George doesn’t want Crook to be mad at George. More to include, George shows up voluntarily when he takes care of his friend who has mental problems. When George was little, he chose to take care of Lennie until the end of Lennie's life. The book shows, “I told his older lady I’d take care of him”(Steinbeck 22). George chose to take Lennie from the old lady's care and take care of Lennie from there on. Finally, George chose to go with the guys to kill Lennie, because he didn’t want Curly to do anything with George himself. The guys were anxious to go and find Lennie to kill him, especially Curley because Lennie killed Curley's wife. The guys who were going to go find Lennie to kill him asked