
Why Did Hammurabi Wrote His Laws

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Written in a far distant land (called Mesopotamia) a man wrote from 1792 to 1850. He wrote a little thing called laws. These laws were written by a name of Hammurabi. These laws were created to preserve his new empire. He was also the first and only one to take over the Assyrian Empire. The way Hammurabi took over the Assyrian Empire, was finally outsmarting them. Hammurabi took over the Assyrian Empire, and the reason he didn’t fail like the Assyrian Empire, was because he wrote the laws.

All of you reading this may not know where laws first started, or what there are. But in this paper you will soon find out. The man's name is Hammurabi (The Babylonian King) he was the first man to beat the Assyrian Empire, and then start his new empire. Hammurabi knew what the Assyrians didn’t, which were laws. Hammurabi wrote his laws from 1792 to 1850. He created these laws to preserve his empire. Although, people may of disliked these laws. But these laws were actually good. Also these laws were so important they were written on a sele and placed in an empire. Hammurabi based these laws on his own authority, but not on the words of the gods. But Hammurabi did claim that the gods had told him to write the laws that applied to everyone. Now you may or may not want to know what they did or what they are. If you do want to know what they did or what they are. …show more content…

They were like the same code we have today. The code spelled out punishment for crimes, such as injuring someone, and stealing. If you were caught, which you most likely were. You could be sentenced to death or be in jail for a very long time. For example, if a poorly built house were to collapse and kill its owner, then the builder could be put to death. If the owner's son rather than the owner were killed in the collapse, the builder's son could be put to death. Now that concludes that paragraph, and if you just skimmed your way through this like I would do. Just go on and read the

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