Why Did Han Leave Chewbacca Analysis

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Riddle me this – why did Han leave Chewbacca on Coruscant? If you have not seen Star Wars, the epic space opera movie, here goes why – because Han wanted to fly solo. I have been called many things by friends but being called ‘Luke Punwalker’ is a bad attempt at a pun. I love a mojito of blended jokes and puns sprinkled with lemonades of sarcasm on any day. Here is a freestyle and please don’t ask me this question at the end, “apart from your face, do you have any jokes.” An African American, with a disease called enthusiasm that cuts through to the mustard, walks to a white neighborhood to sell cleaning detergents. Hitting the nail right on the head to a potential white customer, he is quick as NASA and beats it like Micheal Jackson. He quickly