How Did Hitler Gain Power In Germany

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The causes of Hitler and the Nazi Party gaining power in Germany in 1934 were a large combination of factors. The first was losing world war one which created serious social, political, and economic effects on the Nation with the addition of the treaty of Versailles, the Wall Street crash and the Great Depression of 1929. Secondly, the newly elected socialist democratic government saw unable to provide solutions to all the crises - leading to the fall out of the Weimar Republic. The third factors were that Hitler would be secretly backed by powerful interests with the overuse of Article 48 and the supply of money from successful businessmen as he seemed to be the only politician able to provide the answers to the problems and his public speaking skills would …show more content…

This caused the Nazi Party to again become a fringe party until 1929 when the wall street crash and great depression cleared the way for Hitler's road to power as the poverty and unemployment (6 million unemployed) caused the people to feel even more frustrated at the MMP socialist democratic government and look towards a strong leader that would show them the way to recovery. Although the Weimar republic gave more power to the people of Germany than a government ever had before, it was far too wear for what Germans needed during this time. This allowed Hitler and his party to gain even more attention. Powerful interests that assisted Hitler's rise to power involved the constant invoking of article 48 during the political vacuum in Germany the article was used by politicians in an attempt to break the political stalemate of this in the 1930s. Bruening was one politician to have used it especially often. This constant undermining of democracy drove home the first nail in the coffin of democracy drove home not by Hitler - selfish interests were divorcing power from the voting