Why Did Madeleine L 'Engle Wrote Wrinkle In Time'

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In Mr.Dejong’s language arts class, we were reading Wrinkle in time. In this essay, I will tell you why Madeleine L'Engle wrote this book and also what Wrinkle in Time taught me about science. Madeleine L’Engle wrote this book with her father lost for a greater amount of time in the book by the cause of her own father died when she was 17 from serving in the military and being exposed to mustard gas so he had health problems his whole life from him being exposed to mustard gas. That’s why she had Meg lose her father for most of the book. I assume she wrote wrinkle in time because she hated science, but then she decided to pick up a book about Albert Einstein and once she read the book she started looking progressively more into science.