
Why Did Octavius Caesar How And Why Does Salvilleus Die

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How, and why, does Quintus Salvidienus Rufus die? Quintus Salvidienus Rufus took his life upon discovery that he had betrayed his friend, Octavius Caesar. Throughout the beginnings of the novel, in Salvidienus’ notes, it is made clear that he prides himself as a friend of Octavius Caesar, but sometimes does not whole fully agree with his decisions. Lepidus, Antonius, Maecenas, Agrippa, and Octavius, had parted their differences and gathered to discuss matters of proscription and consulship. Octavius Caesar recommended Salvidienus for consulship, but upon that recommendation Antonius revealed to Octavius a letter written by Salvidienus betraying his alliance. Distraught, Octavius ordered a messenger to Salvidienus saying that he is stripped of his services alongside their friendship. After jabbing a dagger into his chest, Salvidienus’ last words were, “Tell Octavius that if I cannot remain his friend in life, I may do so in death.” (Williams 71) In the most honourable path he believed to exist, Salvidienus killed himself.

Why does Octavius Augustus exile his daughter Julia from Rome? …show more content…

Strong evidence was brought to Augustus that all men Julia has been intimate with during her marriage to Tiberius, plot against Octavius Augustus and plan to kill both him and Tiberius Claudius Nero. Not only is Tiberius aware of this information, he plans on presenting it to the Senate alongside Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso and insist on charges of high treason against all those associated with the crime, Julia included. Then with this power, Tiberius plots to overthrow the authority of Octavius Augustus. In order to protect both Rome and the life of his daughter, Octavius Augustus accuses his daughter of adultery, a crime made illegal by himself, and exiles her to Pandateria in order to spare her

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