Why Did The Maya Have The Greatest Impact In History?

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If you could choose who had the greatest impact in history who would it be? Would it be you? Your friends? The people in your history class? The Aztec and the Maya have lived a long time ago as groups of people with remarkable events, culture, and their beliefs. However, I think the Maya had the greatest impact on history than the Aztec The reason why I think the Maya were greater was due to the fact that they had more achievements listed than the Aztec and had done many incredible things. First of all, the Maya had a trade network. They actually found out a way to trade for things thing they want in exchange for the supplies they have plenty of. It was more sufficient in production as people didn’t need to create a farm for every crop or crowd near a place with plenty of obsidian …show more content…

Today we’ve taken that idea but we have to travel shorter distances to a store/provider and give out currency in exchange. Not only were there trade networks and routes, there were also magnificent cities to pass by. These cities included immense stone pyramids, stones palaces, temples, and other ritual buildings. They knew who to build huge buildings without any machinery and had great amount of labor and cooperation like what we do today for our jobs and work. Though these achievements might not impress you, the fact that the Maya created their own calendars. They had a system of different calendars that connected like gears. This system made it easier to figure out the ceremonial events that occurred. Not only that, but it calculated future eclipses and counted how many days were there in a year. Like them, our calendar today compared to