Why Did The North Started The Civil War

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Do to the fact that the North and the South’s social, economic and political differences it started The Civil War. One of the biggest reason’s why America went to war was because of slavery. The North and The South had multiple social differences which caused conflict between the two parts of the nation. One reason was that the North was a huge manufacturing area that was highly advanced vs. the South being extremely un-advanced slave based system. After when New York exploded with merchandise much more people came for the good wages mostly immigrants coming to America, there were mainly two types of immigrants Irish and German, more than 3 million of immigrants coming in (Textbook 13.1 pg.400). When the North was inventing new machines …show more content…

The North benefited from transportation all though the South had little transportation the North benefited from it because it allowed more manufacturing. Transportation helped the North’s manufacturing allowing more income when the South barely benefited from it (text book). In the South slaves had harsh conditions but in the North they benefited from child labor. For example slaves would have to work 14-18 hours a day in harsh weather (SMA) were as the North the woman and children worked in dirty conditions. Also the North created a man made river to import and export goods this was the Erie Canal (James 2/25/16). The North had factories unlike the South, they had agriculture (text) which was based off of cotton. The North benefited goods from manufacturing, and from selling goods; were as the South benefited from the Cotton Gin and steamboats (James 2/25/16). To reinstate economic differences benefited political …show more content…

When the westward expansion was accuring huge debates caused politicians to argue about free and non free states. After Fredrick Duoglas proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act in May of 1854, led to much violence because Douglas let people decide for either free or a non-free state instead of the people in just those states people from other states came to vote for slavery and non-slavery this led to much violence it caused the Kansas bleeding, this led to the Republicans having an upper hand (James 4/6/16). The North believed that slavery was outdated and wrong but were as the South being a slave based economy they saw nothing wrong of slavery. For example a Southern politician by the name Roger B. Taney stated that “Had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations: and so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit” (CC#18). How the Republicans got a upper hand was because of the Kansas-Nebraska Act since there was so much violence just so Kansas and Nebraska can be slave states people saw this and wanted to support the Republicans because they didn’t want violence. The political differences that made the South and the North go to

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