American Colonies Vs Southern Colonies Essay

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The American Colonies relied heavily on trade to supply and support themselves. In the North Colonies specifically, trade was a major part of life; the north had numerous shipyards and built ships to use as cargo vessels for trade. The colonies produced molasses, rum, and tobacco to ship to England (Triangular). From England manufactured goods were sent to Africa and bartered for slaves; the slaves were then brought to the American Colonies to be sold and complete the loop of the Triangular Trade (The). Northern colonies differ from the southern colonies in ways of what they could produce in their climates. The south had year round warm weather and good soil while the north had harsh winters and rocky terrain. This lead to the trade of food from the south and manufactured goods the north could produce (Economic). However, the north could not support itself without trade, be it from the south or from the overseas, making it a very important part of the …show more content…

Europe sends shipments of manufactured goods such as beads, copper, cloth, and guns to Africa to be traded for slaves that were bought through African kings or kidnappers (The). From Africa to the Americas a historical path was created named the Middle Passage; this path created by the Triangular Trade shipped millions of slaves in its time. Large European companies would pack as many slaves into the cargo deck to ensure the cheapest, quickest journey. However, enclosed tight spaces allowed for the spread of diseases such as smallpox, syphilis, and measles. Of the millions to be shipped through the Middle Passage, an estimation of fifteen percent of African slaves died (The). Once in the Americas, slaves could be traded for goods or services. Commonly goods such as molasses and tobacco were traded or the slaves were bought to work on the plantations to produce the goods that are sold in the last leg of the trade