The Triangular Trade In The 17th And 18th Century

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The Atlantic Economy, also referred to as the Triangular Trade, occurred throughout the 17th and 18th century and was based on the idea of desire for profit within the world economy. The Consumer Revolution also occurred throughout the 17th and 18th century and was created by the high demand for goods and products from individuals. Finally, the French Revolution occurred throughout the 18th century and was created by the causation of a poor economy under a corrupt monarchy which lead to the fall and rise of the absolutist government. The Atlantic Economy, Consumer Revolution, and French Revolution were interconnected by the European expansion throughout the 17th and 18th century, which created an inflated demand of profit, power, and imports. The Atlantic Economy was a part of the major theme of this century which was a shift in economic focus, ecological shift and also a power shift. This was fueled by the demand of a growing European population. The Triangular Trade also referred to as the Atlantic Slave Trade occurred in three interrelated regions that traded with each other. Europe would send manufactured goods to Africa, who then sent slaves to the Americas, who then sent sugar, tobacco, and cotton back to Europe. These voyages and explorations helped Europe acquire territories in Africa and the Americas. These voyages also brought many germs and diseases being passed around throughout these regions which resulted in a high death rate. The trade was the basis of the