Why Did The Number Of Corporations Increase In The Late 1800s

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Define corporation. Pg. 422
Corporation is an organization that is authorized by law to carry on an activity on an activity but treated as though it were a single person.
Define economies of scale. Pg. 422
Economies of scale is the reduction in the cost of a good brought about especially by increased production production at a given facility.
What is a monopoly? Pg. 425
A monopoly is the total control of a type of industry by one person or one company.
What is a holding company? Pg.426
A holding company is a company whose primary business is owning a controlling share of stock in other companies.
What is a trust? Pg. 426
A trust is a combination of firms or corporations formed by a legal agreement, especially to reduce competition.

Level Two Questions:
Why did the number of corporations increase in the late 1800s? Pg. 422
The …show more content…

Pg. 427
One approach is the business portal, which offers a personalized interface to business content. Developing a business portal etc. Carnegie & Rockefeller used cutthroat techniques to acquire or destroy competitors,including temporarily undercutting prices of competitors until they went out of business or sold out.Some states enacted antitrust laws, but limited to intrastate.

Level Three Questions:
In your opinion, do you think an individual today can rise from rags to riches like Andrew Carnegie did? Why or why not?
In my opinion, I think that an individual in this economy can rise up and go from rags to riches. Like Carnegie, someone can come up with an invention that will make a lot of profits. When a person has an invention or a product that they can sell on the market they can make a lot of money and become famous and rich from that product or that invention. A person can rise from rags to riches in any economy no matter how bad because if the product is something that is needed, then people will have no choice but to buy it because they need