Why Did The Second Vatican Council Study

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What is unique about the event of Vatican II is this was the first theological / pastoral council among the ecumenical councils already held in the history of the Church. The previous councils had a more dogmatic purpose, aiming at showing where the Catholic faith is based. Faced with the challenges of modernity such as social, cultural, political and religious, it was perceptible to Pope John XXIII that proposing a concord that would again study the dogmas of the Church would not be able to transform the reality in which the world was inserted. Because of these modern challenges, the bishops at the council thought a church to defend human rights; a church capable of rescuing Christian values from a practice of the word of God; a church capable of rescuing the salvation of mankind by placing in man the true meaning of being a Church. (cf. O'Malley, 1) …show more content…

However, the purpose of Council II was not to invent a new faith but to "look at the present, at the new conditions and forms of life introduced into the modern world that opened new paths to the Catholic apostolate" (Pope John XXIII). Although, the conciliar event has been marked with many ideas contrary to the needs of the Church, it is noticed that the result is an example of dialogue and communion between the bishops who serenely created the "constitutions" and the "decrees" of a correct form of the truths without ever reversing its own meaning that is Jesus Christ. (cf. O'Malley,

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