
Why Did Tituba Create Mass Hysteria?

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Tituba created mass hysteria, due to conjuring spells and talking to the dead as well as calling on the devil. Tituba was a slave of Reverend Parris and just wanted to survive ,so she tried to help out as best as she could. Abigail Williams, the niece of Parris, calls out to Tituba “ she comes to me every night to go and drink blood” due to Abigail, claiming that Tituba forces her to drink blood in front of everyone, it causes people to become scared that she’s conjuring spells and speaking to the devil. Tituba is now accused of being touched by the devil because she’s doing spells and forcing a preacher's niece to drink blood. Tituba declares that “ you beg me to conjure! She beg me make charm –” Because Titiuba agreed to conjuring spells, she created hysteria because no one other than demonic people would make …show more content…

Rebecca states “Goody Ann you sent a child to conjure the dead!” Because of Titiba talking to the dead and allowing Goody Ann to know that she speaks of the dead, It showed mass hysteria because a christian isn’t allowed to talk to the dead, but Tituba was talking to the dead, and it scared the preacher, and he told everyone that Tituba was touched by the devil. Because Tituba was touched by the devil, many feared that the devil would come after them if they interfered with Tituba. Abigail also claims “ I never called him! Tituba,Tituba..” Abigail was telling her Christian uncle ,Parris, that his slave Titiuba was calling on the devil. This created hysteria because this was not allowed in the Chritian world and it created fear in the eyes of Salem because they are afraid that the Devil will drag them down to Hell. Many in Salem made speculations that Tituba would come after them due to her talking to the dead, the devil, as well as her conjuring spell. Due to all of the events she did it caused hysteria within

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