Why Do Adolescents Do Drugs

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For years, drugs have been a problem in the United States. Although children are taught right from wrong at a young age, many adolescents still make poor choices. These poor choices are made because adolescents lack the will power to reject illegal substances. These illegal substances cause the user to make negative decisions that impact their lives. The government tries to decrease the use of drugs through preventive measures. These preventative measures, such as RAD (Race Against Drugs), are designed to deter the use of drugs. Although a precise reason for adolescents to try drugs for the first time may not be easily identified, one can speculate that social, family, and community influences are primary causes. One cause of illegal drug use of adolescents can be social influences. A great number of adolescents try drugs with their peers as a form of social acceptance. Group functions among peers must include drug use, which is believed to be necessary in order to have a great party. Kids who have similar issues will socialize with each other. Members of the group will encourage each other to use drugs …show more content…

For some kids, parents do not regulate control because they are busy working. Some adolescents, without adult supervision, find themselves unable to exert self- control when it comes to trying drugs for the first time. The atmosphere created by family influence is not always positive. Some adolescents are exposed to drug use in their own homes. Kids observe people using various substances. They observe their parents drinking alcohol, smoking, and using illegal substances. Adolescents feel that certain forms of drugs, such as marijuana, are not harmful. The legalization of marijuana reinforces this belief. The denial of harm can lead to a continued pattern of drug use. The negative family influences and lack there of can lead to kids trying drugs for the first