Why Do Children Recieve Participation Rewards?

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Everyone's a winner, it’s been told time and time again at the end of every sports season. The topic is about kids getting participation trophies even if they don’t try. Some people believe children should recieve participation trophies to help boost their self-confidence, while others think that participation trophies are harmful by hurting the children’s emotions. Participation trophies or medals are not necessary for kids to receive at the end of a sports season. After receiving a participation trophy, kids will most likely lose them or the will sit on a shelf collecting dust. Participation trophies have a meaning more than people think they have. Reasons why participation trophies shouldn’t be handed out are that the concept is lost, Entitlement, and that kid’s self confidence will drop. …show more content…

“Kids will feel like winners.”This is what 40% of Americans say to participation trophies. One big reason why the concept is lost is when kids that got first, second, and third place have to deal with other kids getting medals or trophies. Awards should only be given out when true achievement is accomplished. ”But every time we give our children an award for something they didn't legitimately achieve, we're doing them a disservice that can last significantly longer than the high of receiving the award.” (Danielle Braff). If kids won’t try to get first, second or third they can just not do anything and still get praised by a participation medal. Kids need to know that if you try hard enough you can get rewards, not just to sit around and wait for a prize. “You can work your hardest, try your best, expend every ounce of energy you have and sometimes things just don't work out the way you hoped or imagined. That's just the way things go.” (Nancy