Why Do Companies Marketing Towards Children

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Marketing towards children is big business. Especially in the fast food and toy area of commercialism. Teens in the U.S. spend up to $160 billion annually. In other words, teens and children are the big go-to’s for marketing. How do companies market towards children? The one big way companies get most of their money is from the stores. So they put all the junk food on lower shelves so that the young ones can get to them easier. Not only is the junk food on the lower shelves, they are next to the real food that you have come to buy. Stores are like the money sucker for families. Another way that companies market are the infamous TV commercials. The average teen watches an estimate between 25,000 to 40,000 TV commercials per year. During …show more content…

8-12 year olds heavily influence more than $30 billion in other spending by parents. 80 percent of all global brands market towards this age group. Children who are under 12 and teens influence parental purchases totaling over $130-670 billion a year.
Why do companies market towards children instead of adults? The main reason that companies market towards children is because they have not learned the systematics of the business of money. So in turn children are more gullible towards the propaganda of marketing.
Adults have learned the ways that companies market and how they suck you up into their sales and products so the adults are less likely to buy random stuff they do not need. Another reason is that teens seem to have more money than adults because they do not have to spend most of it on bills and feeding the family. Now there are many pros and cons to marketing towards children and teens. The pros are that these companies are able to gain a lot of income on their products due to the fact that teens love to spend money on things they do not need. Also the supply and demand becomes more balanced if they keep marketing towards teens and children because when they buy something they will most likely show it to their friends and then their friends buy the