Why Do Genocides More Likely To Occur During Wartime?

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Throughout the semester this class has presented information that wasn’t known to me, for example that there is a specific definition for the term genocide, there are deeper reasons into committing genocide, and that there are other genocides besides the Holocaust. With my new found knowledge I plan on discussing and answering two question that have been presented after completing this course, first, while studying the Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide, and the Rwandan Genocide, one has to notice that all three incidents take place during times of war whether from outside aggressors or internally between one another, so one must question why are genocides (these in particular) more likely to occur during wartime? The next question that must be answered deals with the first-person accounts of these acts and how the accounts reflect the events that took place? Do the recollections help explain what truly took place, are they truly accurate or do they contradict anything we’ve learned and introduce more questions than they answer. To ultimately answer the first question of why genocides tend to take place during times of war, one has to think that there is some type of advantage of committing genocide during times of war and for this question I have decided to compare two cases to help answer this question, The Holocaust and The Armenian Genocide. There are multiple differences between the two one example being the number of individuals who died, why the groups were being targeted, how they were eliminated, and …show more content…

The uniqueness that this movie provides is that we can actually see the aggressors and how they act when talking about the events that took place and it gives the aggressors a way to show the world how they felt and how their actions were affect their