
Why Do I Want To Be A Teacher Essay

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A role model is a person who inspires and encourages us to strive for greatness, live to our fullest potential and see the best in ourselves. A role model can be anybody, a parent, a sibling, a friend, a singer, but some of our most influential and life changing role models are teachers. Doctors, engineers, policemen, soldiers and politicians, how did they all get to where they are today? No matter the position someone may hold in society everyone has progressed to where they are in life because they had a good teacher that taught them with a valuable education. What do I want to do after 10 years? I have several goals and accomplishments that I want to achieve in the next 20 years. First, I want to be a dedicated teacher working in a great and popular school. Then, I might probably pursue my study until I get the title of Doctor of Philosophy. To become this profession, it generally …show more content…

Azuman who taught me that people who have no dreams of the future will not fly far away, if I put my mind to accomplishing my goal I could make it. She inspired me to be the best and success in my life. I could be anything I wanted to be. As I have grown, I had the good teachers in my previous school, some whom I am surrounded by daily who inspire me to set out to accomplish my dreams. I remember that great teachers were good at explaining content, were patient yet firm with students, were always fair, set high expectations, knew how to motivate, and used humour appropriately. They were great communicators who had a command of their subject matter content. This is the type of teacher that I intend to become. However, I understand that my personal teaching method will evolve as I draw on my own strengths, knowledge, skills, values, experiences and others. These wonderful and nice inspiring people in my life have led me to the decision of becoming a responsible

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