Why I Want To Be A Mentor Essay

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Why do you believe you are a good fit for the Peer Mentor position?
I enjoy helping people be more like themselves. I feel indebted to the University of Saint Francis for helping me grow and live the life that lives inside of me, and I would like to give back that feeling of self-awareness to others. I have positive energy, good communication skills, and a growth mindset. I work well one-on-one and in a team setting. I enjoy being a part of something bigger than myself and having the opportunity to impact someone’s life-however small the difference. Personally, I believe that modeling is the most effective way to lead. I try my best to make choices that I know will represent myself and the important aspects of my life(clubs, leadership positions, family, etc.) in a positive way.
How will you serve first year students as a resource on campus?
Being available and able to be selfless when the time calls is important as a peer mentor. Freshman year can be daunting, knowing that there is someone to lean on for questions and to soothe the anxiety creates a supportive relationship that makes a …show more content…

It is easy to doubt your abilities and it is immensely helpful to have understanding, relatable friends/coworkers to turn to. I hope to be just like the returning RAs my starting year: open-minded, optimistic, reliable, honest, and determined. Being mindful of the needs I had, and adjusting to theirs, is important to me. “Lead by example” is my favorite type of leadership, because I feel that it is so effective. It means to be confident in your own values and decisions to lead without having to worry about teaching to others orally. Your leadership is reflected in your actions. Not only does this type of leadership show that you believe in the power of yourself and that your way is an effective way to lead, but it also shows how you follow the expectations you set for