Why Do Not Go To College Essay

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Thousands of people who applied to college don’t attend for many reasons. There are many people that apply to their favorite college and even though they get accepted, they won’t go to college. The reason for this is that they don’t have the money to afford it. The staff writer of the Hechinger Newsletter, Meredith Kolodner, stated that “As many as 40 percent of low-income students accepted to college in the spring never show up to classes in the fall” (Kolodner). People who come from a family of low income are the ones that suffer the most with not being able to get an education. These students don’t have any other option than to drop out of school before they even start. Even then from the thousands of people that go to college every year, a numerous number of people drop out because they can’t keep up with the payments. …show more content…

Many low income people cannot afford the college payments. Colleges divide the total tuition into payments with the sole purpose of making it easier for students to pay, but that is not always the case because sometimes the payments are still too high. There are many students who struggle with these problems like for example; Maria Cardenas who was a student at Perry Technical institute in Yakima, WA two years ago. Maria stated that the payments “were too high” and that “I couldn’t keep up with the payments so they kicked me out of college.” Maria like many other students didn’t receive scholarships or financial aid even though they applied for it. “I had a full time job and my parents support but I still wasn’t able to keep up with the payments.” A lot of students go through these kinds of problems that stop them from achieving their dreams. Many people find themselves not being able to go to college because it is too expensive and are unable to keep attending. Lowering the tuition cost will aid these students like Maria to stay in college and get a higher