
Why Do People Respond Differently To The Same Art

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1. Discuss why people can respond differently to the same artwork.
People can respond differently to the same work of art because we are different in our own unique way. Our personalities, morals, values and religious beliefs. Furthermore, we as individuals have different perceptions of the world and how we view it especially when dealing with social issues and politics. When we combine all of these individual traits and characteristics, we may very well come to different conclusions about art and many other things. For example, I may think that going to church is a waste of time (which I do not) but other people may build and live their lives from a biblical aspect. People are driven by many different emotions and belief systems and because …show more content…

To better understand this art, it must be noted that the world was a very different place during the time of Marcus Aurelius. Rome was a super power that took what she wanted and ruled by fear and death. 
One theme that can be applied to this particular work of art is (Stories and Histories).
Rome has a remarkable history as a nation. Marcus Aurelius as leader not only wanted to be victorious on the battlefield but also in the hearts and minds of people as a great leader. He wanted his name to be embedded in history as a military genius but also as a just man who protected Rome, her identity and the Roman people. Even today he is considered by many as one of the most respected Emperors in Roman history. History tells us that Marcus was a very intelligent man who studied Stoicism; a philosophy emphasizes fate, reason and self-restraint. The actor Russell Crowe portrayed a gladiator who lived during the time of Marcus Aurelius and in that movie Marcus Aurelius was portrayed as a good ruler, a great father and an even greater friend to Russell Crowe’s

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