
Why Do People Wear Masks In Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel

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In The Scarlet Pimpernel, the author, Baroness Orczy, communicates to her readers that some people publicize their false characteristics as they are hiding their real attributes. For example, when Marguerite observes Percy's surprisingly studious office, she ponders, " Why should he -who was obviously a serious, earnest man- wish to appear before his fellow-men as an empty-headed nincompoop? " (Orczy 118). This shows that Marguerite and many others fell for the trick that Percy is a simpleton when he is actually an intelligent man. This is important because it tells the audience that some people do indeed wear masks that can cause others to look down on them. In addition, when Chauvelin announces to Marguerite that her brother's life is at
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