Athletes Paid Too Much Essay

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There are some debates whether professional athletes are being paid too much. However, there are some issues to be discussed, but the problem is that how do we define overpaid? some professional athletes might earn millions of dollar, but most people or those jobless for a long period don’t get their equal amount of money for living. The professional teams, however, spend too much money on these players, causing the wealth disparity between the big market team and the small market team become obvious and find it difficult to turn over the vicious circle. That is to say, the big market team own a lot of fund to purchase best players and vice versa. Although the circle gradually collapse and is not applicable to current social conditions, most people still living in a miserable surroundings and even have a difficult time paying rental. It can be argued that professional athletes deserve paying too much money is reasonable because there are a lot of factors to be discussed, including player’s following performance, the risk of injury and so on. When it comes to professional baseball players, we may think that the players earned a lot of money for living cost or other extra expense. In addition, we also take …show more content…

It’s just like a nurse or a waitress. Do not let the top athletes in the world fool you thinking all professional athletes are making million dollars. They are just as hard as anyone else are paid very low amounts. For example, a minor league baseball player make around $13,000 a year less than the amount that a fast food cook made a year. However, in minor league player only pay for the time they spend time with the team not for the whole year. In addition, if a minor league player doesn’t have another job, they will only earn $5,500 a year. Thus, when people say about these athletes earn much money, you need to think about a lot of reason to make sure whether it is overpaid or