Why Do Schools Should Offer Online Courses

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Going into High school students gets a small taste of adulthood; trying to figure out the perfect balance between school and education. Fortunately for minors, Labor Laws have been put into place to restrict work time to make sure that no student falls behind in school. Once graduated from High school a student is no longer protected by those same labor laws. At this point learning to manage time effectively to balance work and education is a necessity. Schools should offer online course because it allows flexibility, self teaching and a variety of courses.

Being a College student and an employee to a business is two separate life's that somehow intertwine. It's hard finding the time off of a job to do school work, asking for the time off …show more content…

Meaning that one particular way of teaching is for the greater good of all students. This policy of teaching leaves out a lot of students because "One size fits all" doesn’t fit all. There are many types of learning styles there is aural(using sound or music), verbal(using speech or writing), physical(using hands-on activity), visual(using pictures and images), logical(using reasoning), solitary(self-paced), social(group setting), etc. Online courses offer the ability to learn the students' desired way of learning instead of being in the setting of "One size fits all". It also offers students to go at their own pace of learning instead of being in the classroom setting where its quick paced to get through all the content necessary.(Insert quote) The whole thing with self-teaching is that the student has to engage themselves into the lesson to actually be able to learn. Online courses not only benefit the students learning, but also allows the students horizon to brighten with the various choice of classes.

Ever wanted to be in a class, but to your misfortune is not offered on campus or if it is offered the class is full? With online courses it is now possible to take a variety of classes to expand a students educational horizon."Online Education can help students succeed, giving them opportunities to take advanced courses, to take more interesting courses than those offered at their local school, or simply to provide