Why Do Scientists Use Ph To Categorize Acids And Bases?

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Scientists use pH to categorize acids and bases into different strengths, following a pH scale. pH stands for “power of Hydrogen”, and is used as a scale in order to conclude whether or not a substance is acidic, basic or neutral. The scale ranges from a pH of 0 to a pH of 14 (with a colour that corresponds with each pH value for colour changing indicators). A substance is an acid if it has a pH level of pH 0 to pH 6. A pH 7 is neutral, which means that it is neither an acid nor a base. A pH of 8 to 14 means that the substance is a base. The lower the pH level, the stronger the acid, and the higher the pH level, the stronger the base. The indicator scale is logarithmic. When measuring the difference of acidity and/or basicity of

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