Why Do We Need Political Parties?

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During this week we spoke a great deal about the importance of our political party in today’s democracy and how they can sway the vote of the majority. We live in a society today where people are allowed to voice their opinions on any subject matter that they wish, because of the rights that are guaranteed to us in the constitution, every individual; regardless of race, sex, ethnicity, and social economic status, can make their issues or ideas known to the community. These groups of people, or parties play a vital part in our political system, but do they actually help our society as a whole? A political party is defined as an association of people who come together on a common platform with the objective of contesting elections. The main function of these parties is to put …show more content…

In the United States we have a two party system where elections are based on the principle of winner takes all, no matter what proportion of the overall vote he/she gets. When elections begin people are forced to choose between a democratic (liberal) candidate and a republican (conservative) candidate based on their stance on certain issues. I’m not too fond of this two party system because political parties lack clear vision on governing ways and issue. And when they do take a stance on issues, the positions taken appeals to a narrow set in society, powerful minorities. Critics claim that because of narrow positions on controversial issues (ex. Abortions) visions on how to obtain a more integrated society in America can’t be defined. Also, each party has promises and platforms