Why Does Creon Use Of Power In Antigone

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Power, power can be good and bad, but which one is it used for most? Power is used badly, more than it is used in a good way. Power that is used from Antigone is bad power when creon is using it. The power Creon uses to rule and make his own rules is bad. Creon in the play Antigone, made up his own rules. After he made the rules he told everyone to follow them, no one had a say. Power is used in a negative way. Creon used the power he had in a negative way. That negative power is more powerful, because in the play no one did anything to stop him. He ruled them with fear. Negative power is power that is ran by fear. Power has a negative effect on others and the way Creon uses it is a perfect example of negative power. HItler used his power

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