
Why Does Hamlet Struggle With Death

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Hamlet’s internal struggle with life and death, whether he should continue living only to suffer or take charge by ending his miserable life causes him to question he decisions and become inactive. Hamlet starts thinking to himself ” To be, or not to be? That is the question— Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And, by opposing, end them?” (Shakespeare, 1.3. 57-60) Hamlet is comparing going to sleep as dying and does not think it is a bad thing but then wonders what happens after death. Hamlet fears the unknown, he is depressed that his mother married his uncle and that his uncle killed his father. He wants to commit suicide but he does not know what the other side holds for him as he is afraid of the unknown and does not want to turn into a ghost like his father. Hamlet being afraid of the unknown causes him to become indecisive on whether he should actually commit suicide or continue to suffer by seeing his uncle who killed his father. Furthermore, Hamlet again starts to think about committing suicide after he has received a tongue lashing from Claudius and Gertrude and also being asked to remain in Denmark instead of continuing his studies. …show more content…

He is disgusted with his mother for marrying his uncle so quickly after his father’s death. Hamlet believes that suicide seems like a desirable alternative as opposed to living life in a painful world. One thing that is stopping him from committing suicide is his religion as it is forbidden. Committing suicide is a sin towards God and Hamlet believes that he will be sent to hell for committing such an unholy act. He also does not want to face the wrath of the everlasting. Due to his religion Hamlet can not decide whether he wants to commit suicide or remain alive. In addition, Hamlet thinks about committing suicide when he is talking to

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