Why Early Education Matters So Much Essay

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Some parents hesitate about enrolling their small children in early education. They fear that they're pushing their kids or robbing them of a childhood.

In fact, parental engagement or early childhood education centers help lay a foundation for future success. Let's take a look at some of the reasons why that early education matters so much.
1. Substantial Brain Formation Happens in Early Childhood

The brain is most adaptable in first two to three years. That means that children's brains build the foundation for all future learning in the period.

The richer the interactions and chances for learning during that period, the better the foundation.

Think of it like building a house. You can build a house on packed dirt, but it will only support a small, fragile building. If you …show more content…

While parents can improve their own education, early childhood learning centers can often help fill the gaps.
3. Encourages Curiosity

It doesn't always look that way, but curiosity drives a lot of science, technology, engineering, and math. These are also the fields that will likely provide the better jobs for the foreseeable future.

Take basic web programming, for example. Much of it happens by rote, but there's also a lot of problem-solving involved. Creativity helps people navigate complex problems.

Early childhood education helps reinforce and encourage the creativity kids will need later. For example, Piptree Early Learning uses spontaneous activities driven by the child's interests.
4. Improve Lifelong Physical Health

It sounds counterintuitive that early education matters could matter to physical health, but it does. Kids in homes with abuse, mental illness, and other emotional traumas suffer long-term physical problems. A few examples include:

diabetes stroke asthma heart