Why I Chose College Essay

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Growing up, I always thought of college as the simple part of my education. I would pay a little money, chose were I stayed, who with, and I would study in what I wanted to be when I got older. Then I would graduate and skip into the sunset. When I actually got older I discovered nothing was that easy; especially college. There were so many factors needed to be taken into consideration when it came to college to even choose from. If or when I sort through those factors and find a school in my liking, I still face the problem of getting accepted. Recently I created a list of colleges I would want to attend. The first few options (which I affectionately call The Big Three) include Ball State University (BSU), Indiana University Bloomington (IUB), and Purdue University (PU). Though I know I …show more content…

The tuition and fees were easier to find on the website compared to BSU. For in-state students the price of tuition for the 2016-17 school year is a bit over $10,000, and room and board being more or less the same price. Totaled up, the first year would cost about $23,000 (http://www.admissions.purdue.edu/costsandfinaid/tuitionfees.php). The most difficult school to find the cost of, Indiana University Bloomington, comes last. Going through two different website, I finally discovered the tuition at about $10,400. The total “direct” cost of the school would be around $21,412, but with the varying personal expenses and transportation, the total is lifted to about $24,500 (http://admissions.indiana.edu/cost-financial-aid/tuition-fees.html).
INTENDED MAJOR Though it took me a while to figure out, the career I chose to pursue involved film/video production. Of the three schools, only IUB and PU have exact major I wish to pursue. BSU has a

Crawford 3 course called Telecommunications, which works more with television. None of the schools have extra fees required to take their