Why I Deserve My Black Belt Essay

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Why I deserve my Second Degree Black Belt Haydn O'Donnell Come this November, I will have been training in Tae Kwondo for seven years. In these seven years I have stayed loyal to my club, even in the event of a change of instructor, I have helped out in lessons by teaching students of a lower grade than me, I have competed in many tournaments, including the 2010 world championships, and since I have earned my black belt, I have help out in gradings and pre-gradings, attended black belt training sessions, helped at tournaments and joined my club demonstration team. I always try to follow the five tenets of Tae Kwondo and respect others in my club. I also believe that black belt and it's successive grades are not only a physical thing, but a state of …show more content…

I hope that it will give the lower grades another person to look up to and to inspire them even more so that they will keep training and eventually get a black belt of their own, thus expanding the club and helping out my instructor. I have been a very long running member of the Tavistock Tae Kwondo club and since it has acquired a new instructor I have tried to help as much as possible, especially with pregradings and helping out in lessons. Gaining a second degree will increase the number of people I am able to teach, thus helping the club out even further, allowing more of the people who normally teach to do some more training themselves, giving them a chance to solidify even further their knowledge and preparing them for their future gradings. It is because of these reasons that I feel I deserve a second degree black belt and I hope that you consider my application. Regardless of weather it is successful or not, I shall continue my training and try to be the best I can, for myself and also for