Reflective Essay On Personal Mastery

2410 Words10 Pages

Module 1: Personal Insights Date: 20 April 2015

Name: Kiki Desiree Legodi

Assignment: 1

Abstract 3
1. Four domains of Neuro leadership 4
a) Making decisions 4
b) Emotional regulation 5
c) Influencing others 5
d) Facilitating change 6
2. Personal mastery tools 7
3. Personal change and performance 9
Conclusion 10
References 11

This paper is a personal reflection piece, where I discuss the learnings and lessons learned the sessions presented in Module 1. The discussion includes personal insights on neuroleadership, Personal mastery tools and finally on personal change and performance will be discussing some of my life’s experiences prior to the insights and after. Under Neuroleaderrship the following will be discussed: decision making, emotional regulation, influencing others and facilitating change. Personal Mastery will then be discussed in depth with discussions on the differentiation of the social me and the authentic me.Finally personal change and performance will be the last to be discussed with a conclusion on the learnings of the entire module.

1. Four …show more content…

Personal mastery was one of the most significant insights for me because it has equipped me with the tools necessary for me to grow in the world of work as well as in my own personal life. I need to make sure that I can differentiate between the authentic me and the social me so that I can be taken seriously at work. My syndicate and the people I will be working with at BMW need to know the authentic me because this will have a direct impact on how I show up as a leader and as a team player. My goal is continuously grow myself in the organization so that I can be a leader one day and being the authentic me will help