Mgt 311 Week 3 Individual Assignment

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surname : ……………………………………………………………………………. Sex……………… Age……. …… Marital Status…………. Management Level…………… 12 When I am being emotional I am aware of this 13 I rarely fly off the handle at other people 14 I can tell if a team of people are not getting along with each other # HOW THE STATEMENT APPLIES TO YOU 1=DOES NOT APPLY 3 = APPLIES HALF THE TIME 5=ALWAYS APPLIES 1 2 3 4 5 15 When I feel anxious I usually can account for the reasons 16 Difficult people do not annoy me 17 I can usually understand why people are being difficult towards me 18 I love to meet new people and get to know what makes them tick 19 I always know when I'm being unreasonable 20 Other individuals are not difficult …show more content…

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