Why I Hate America

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WHEN ARIANA GRANDE APOLOGIZES THE SECONG TIME AROUND If you’re an Ariantor, you probably heard the about Ariane Grande acted on a donut shop together with a friend. Still here’s the story to all of you the general public! Ariana Grande together with a friend who is actually buying the donuts have lick a donut in a tray which is on display having been caught on camera, not only that but as well kissing her friend and swearing and stating the words “ I hate Americans, I hate America” as well. The video went on the internet immediately after this had happened and well you might have seen it or not, how could you not see this when she apologizes times saying that the first apology was not sincere enough cause she was defending herself for what had happened in the donut shop and the poor choice of her words The second apology is what is according to her facing her responsibilities and a rude awakening never to act that way again but we must all understand that we all our after all humans and we commit mistakes with the way we act, say things, and think still we should always guard our tongues in order not to say apologies on what we say, or acted. …show more content…

Technology is somewhat advanced now, people might not see you doing it but there are cameras that capture our every word and actions. Ariana is sweet girl, we all do wrong not just us fans but celebrities as well that get to much attention on what goes out of their mouths and what they do. Moral of all of this: Watch what comes out of your mouth and always do mind on how you act towards other people stranger or not around