Why I Hate Stitch Analysis

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LOST AND FOUND I'm running, puffing, slowly feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. It’s a stitch. I hate stitches. Whenever I run around the block with Phillip I always get a stitch, he tells me it is never an excuse to lose, this time I won't lose, I’ll beat him. I'm Jedda. I love to go outside and play with my mates, one of which is Phillip. He’s a bit chubbier than I am, plus he is very small, probably around 5’3. I’m only a couple inches bigger but at least I’m skinnier. We always take the Mickey out of each other because of our weight difference but we still remain the best of mates. I live out in the middle of nowhere, which isn’t too bad taking into factor that anyone like me who lives near the city either gets stolen, or goes …show more content…

Not many trees out here so there goes the shade. We have a little neighbourhood but it isn’t anything too special; just a bar, deli and a couple old shacks, not many white people live out in these parts, except for the farmers. Father says I shouldn’t go near them or make eye contact, you know the whole stolen thing, …show more content…

I see Philip the next day. He’s agitated, and doesn’t want to be seen out in the day. I’ve told him several times already that if he doesn’t draw attention to himself he should be fine, but still Philip is worried. Philip and I go for another run, I’m feeling good about this one. No stitch - no worries. Im ahead by a solid 200m and I feel invincible. I can see the end of the block and Philip is nowhere in sight. No sign of Philip. I’m anxious, deserted, concerned; I feel like there’s a darkness advancing closer to me. It feels dramatic and I feel my heart thumping. I see a car drive off. Australian Government written on the side. No way, please no. I cant accept what I’ve witnessed. Everything is faded. All I remember is chasing after the car and seeing Philip’s depressed face. He’s got that face a man only see’s once in his life. His lips drape down and he’s got tears running all over his face. It looks like his been stabbed and gutted out in front of me. I see him screaming out to me. I cant do anything to help, I’ve let him