Why I Want To Be An Extension Agent

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In January 2010, I began my career as the Kanawha County 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent. As an Extension Instructor with West Virginia University, I seek a promotion to Assistant Profession with tenure. As an extension instructor, my significant areas for contribution are teaching and service, while I am expected to provide reasonable contribution in the area of research. As per West Virginia University tenure and promotion policy, this service cumulative document is reviewed by external reviewers.
I joined extension after working at a variety of different organizations and bring a wealth of experience in nonprofit management, service-learning, environmental training and technical assistance, and micro business development. I obtained …show more content…

My primary responsibilities on the county level include managing the 4-H Youth Development programs offered by the West Virginia University Extension Service. This includes traditional and specialty 4-H clubs, afterschool programs, summer camp programs, school enrichment, and educational sessions. I am responsible for recruiting participants, training volunteers, implementing programs, developing lessons, and ensuring that needs are being met in the areas of life skill and positive youth development. In addition, I have co-responsibility for our Energy Express summer literacy program and am a member of a variety of boards and groups including an advisor to county 4-H teen and adult volunteer …show more content…

I have served as an external evaluator for the JJDP Youth of Promise Mentor Program, co-investigator with the Health Rocks! Program Evaluation, co-investigator on the impacts of the CYFAR Program with afterschool in a three county area. These efforts have yielded continued funding for programs and presentations at state and national conferences.
Several research-based STEM lessons have been produced including Volunteer 4-H Leaders’ Science Grab and Go Lessons, Tool of the Trade Science Lessons, Statewide camp Science Experiments, STEM Ambassador Bubblology Curriculum. Cooperatively working with the 4-H Healthy Living Specialist, the 2013 Health Rocks! Camp Guide, based from the Health Rocks! 4-H Curriculum, was produced and distributed state-wide to agents. I was part of an invited group to present a workshop to Ohio Extension Agents regarding implementation of Health Rocks! in camping programs. This guide and others have been forwarded to 4-H National Council who have produced a Health Rocks! Camp guide. Additional publications include the “Where in the World Did you Get that Flavor” Skill-a-thon, which is part of the nationally approved and peer-reviewed WVUES Global Education Curriculum and the West Virginia Afterschool Program Standards, the first voluntary guidance on effective

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