Why I Want To Work With The Elderly

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I have always wanted to work with the elderly population because they are individuals who have witnessed history that we read in our textbooks today. I always believe that I have an old soul and that I was born in the wrong generation. I have always been fascinated with the years the 1940s through the 1960s. The genres that we listen to today were just being born during that time. There is also the literary works of some of the greatest poets such as Langston Hughes. Living in those times when everything was just being born and becoming alive, I feel is that best time to have been alive; to be able to witness it all and tell the story of how it all happened. These years were amazing years in history but with these years also came with a little bit of darkness. The elderly of this time …show more content…

Some elderly has been by their sides as they fought for freedom. Some of the elderly has been victims of the Jim Crow laws while some also participated in those laws. Along with the Jim Crow Laws came about the World Wars. Most of the elderly that are living had fathers and grandfathers whom fought in the World Wars and can tell firsthand how it was like to fight during those times. This alone is why I wanted to work with the elderly; to get information before we no longer will able to get the information. As I stated before some of the elderly have been victims of the Jim Crow Laws. There are three particular participants in the Memory Lane that have been victims but also participants. This factor alone is why these participants want