
Why Is A Midsummer Night's Dream Still Relevant Today

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William Shakespeare is still relevant today because his play incorporates relationships and uses relatable topics that happen today. The play represents love strongly but also shows cruelty and diction through the play. It depicts how Males and Females will fight for love, relationships can have different feelings and problems. The play influences our culture because situations from the past also happen now. William Shakespeare's play “A Midsummer Night's Dream” is still relevant today because he uses relatable topics and literary devices which relates to many people as he is revealing his theme of people not controlling whom they have a love for and how far they will go for love.
Firstly, He uses Hermia and Lysanders relationship problems to show how relatable their …show more content…

Shakespeare states,” The more you beat me, I will fawn on you use me as your spaniel–spurn me strike me, neglect me, lose me. For I am sick when I do look on thee. And I am sick when I look not on you” (Shakespeare.2.1.206-210). Helena wants to let Demetreius control her and she will let him neglect her. This is showing how she is obsessed with him, she wants to care for him like he does for Hermia. she does not care about what he thinks and is focused on what she wants which is him. She is going a long way and is determined to get with him. Demetreius is saying that he will commit mischief and he is explaing to Helena how she should not force herself onto him. ”I will not stay thy questions. Let me go. Or if thou follow me, do not believe But I shall do thee mischief in the wood. Ay, i the temple, in the tow, the field You do me mischeif in the wood (Shakespeare 2.48.235). This explains how Demetrius says he will run away and leave her in the woods to be eaten. Helena is chasing after him not understanding he does not want to be with her. He runs off and she chases after

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