Why Is Abortion Considered A Murder?

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A controversial topic that has been running rapidly through the streets is the legalization of abortion. Abortion is termination of pregnancy: it’s when a pregnancy is ended so that there is no childbirth. There are many ways to end pregnancy from the womb, either by having surgery or by taking pills. Many argue this is wrong. States did not prohibit abortion till the 19th century and churches did not lead in this new regression. The United States followed as individual states and soon started to outlaw abortion. By 1880 most states deemed abortion illegal, unless it concerns to save a life of a woman. Although, all this outlawing was of no use. Since, the tradition of women right to early abortion was passed in the United States, by then abortion …show more content…

Just like in Christianity. However, in the bible it doesn't specifically addresses the issue of abortion, but it mentions teachings that make it clear of God's view of abortion. Practicing and religious Christians, who follow the bible believe it should be out outlawed because what the bible has to say about abortion. The bible states "Thou shalt not slay the child by procuring abortion; nor, again, shalt thou destroy it after it is born" (Letter of Barnabas 19 from 74 AD).”s The bible's teaching is explaining that whether unborn or born, taking an innocent life away is considered a sin. Another quote from the bible concludes "Women also who administer drugs to cause abortion, as well as those who take poisons to destroy unborn children, are murderesses." (First Canonical Letter from 374 AD) In other words, what ever way it’s practiced to kill the child, whether it's drugs or abortion, is greatly wrong. Although, the bible does not specifically say abortion is prohibited, but it does say it's considered a murder and murder is …show more content…

The Quran translated in English says "And do not kill your children for fear of poverty: We give them sustenance and yourselves (too): surely to kill them is a great wrong." (17:31)” It doesn’t directly inform or state abortion should not be practiced, but it says it in different forms. Another, way the Quran informs that abortion is a sin is “Kill not your children for fear of want. We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin.”

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