Why Is Anzac Day Important In Australia

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Commemorative rituals are rituals that are commemorated either at a particular time of the year or a period since an important event. Regardless of the huge changes in culture, mostly due to the influence of technology, commemorative rituals such as Easter and Anzac Day have maintained significance in relation to their religious and secular purposes and involvement in the community throughout the years. This has highlighted the significant effect they have on culture and behaviour. Quote from Bluestein Anzac Day is an Australian recognised public holiday which seeks to promote community unity by honouring the element of sacrifice by the soldiers that landed at Anzac Cove in 1915. Anzac Day is one of Australia’s most important commemorative …show more content…

Easter is “calculated according to the lunar calendar, causing their dates to vary every year”… (Bell, K; 1997) This period commemorates Jesus being crucified on the cross and gives us the opportunity to have our sins forgiven, however it has suffered in modern society by over commercialisation. This holiday allows religious Australian to attend mass whereas Secular Australians enjoy the four-day weekend feasting and relaxing with family and friends. (traver,P;2017) The original Christian meaning of Easter has been lost to many and over commercialising Easter with Easter eggs, has impacted Easter significantly by teaching the younger generations that Easter is only about Easter eggs and bunnies. The first chocolate Easter bunny was produce in the 1900s. ( Dhruv, S; 2016) Nevertheless, commercialising Easter with Easter eggs does bring its attention to children, who are living in a very materialistic world. “Commemorative rituals can sustain memory for as long as they celebrated, but their continuing relevance in everyday social life as commemorative activities is not guaranteed.” (Bluestein, J. M; 2014) While Easter is a 4-day weekend, the underpinning values such as sacrifice and forgiveness last for a much more extensive period. Although the involvement of Easter has increased, the religious meaning has gone backwards over the